Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

This morning I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and quickly threw on my t-shirt and shorts and headed to Kiwanis Park with my friend Myra to do something we had both never done before. We were going to participate in the Freedom Run 5K!

Myra and I started running about 5 weeks ago. We both just wanted to try to get some exercise and we really didn't have many expectations for ourselves as we both hated running. When we first started we couldn't even run a mile without taking a walking break! What made running tolerable and almost enjoyable was that we kept getting better. A week later we could run a mile and soon after that we did two! So, we decided to enter the annual Provo Freedom Run 5K and continued to work hard at running.

We did it!! This is us right after finishing the race!

Christine, Myra, Amy (Amy ran the 10K...which is a goal that Myra and I have set to do next year.)

We finished the race in about 41 minutes. So, we aren't pro-runners or anything...but at least we finished it and we ran all the way to the end. Five weeks ago, Myra and I would have never thought we could ever run a 5k!! We felt so good today for accomplishing our goal and we hope to keep running and getting better.

At The Finish Line!!

After the race and a shower, Amy, Myra and I headed to the Provo Parade. I have to tell you that the people of Provo LOVE their parade! And I know this because on Saturday I already saw people setting up chairs, tents and blankets to reserve their spots along the street for the parade that was still 2 (yes..2) days away! I think that is just a little crazy! I mean common...this is just Provo! How good can the parade be!?!!

Christine, Amy, Myra at the Parade.

And I was was not good enough for 2 days of reserving your spot. But it was entertaining to watch. We saw a little over an hour of it and I took a few pictures of some of my favorite floats....

Top: Hello Kitty and Arthur big blow up balloons!
Bottom: The Utah South Mission Missionaries and The Nauvoo Temple.

All that was missing today was a BBQ and Fireworks. Then my 4th of July would have been complete!



Kathy said...

Great job completing the 5k!! You must feel so good! You go girl!!

Pat said...

Christine this is super!!! It must have felt tremendous crossing the finish line.