Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It's official --> Antarctica here we come!

I found out yesterday that my friend Camille and I are finally officially confirmed for the Antarctica 2011 Marathon!!!! Remember this? And how I signed up right after getting back from China to run the Antarctica Marathon? Well...3 years later - it's actually going to happen! And considering I'm SO out of shape right now, I'm kinda freaking out about it!

But don't worry....I also signed up to run the Athens Classic Marathon in October to help me get in shape before Antarctica! It's the 2500th anniversary of the original marathon from Marathon, Greece to Athens and we are going to run the original course! How cool is that?

Don't ask me why I do crazy things like this.. I still don't even like running! But for some reason that I can't quite explain, I am super excited about both of these runs! I think it has to do with the feeling you get from crossing the finish line. Nothing really compares to that sense of accomplishment.


janabananagirl said...

I don't know about the marathon part (because I think running was created by Satan himself), but you are going to love visiting Antarctica. My roommate went this past January and had an amazing experience.

Good luck with both races!

Kimberly said...

I agree with the above comment about running being created by the devil. Maybe the reason why you do crazy things like that, is because running in and of itself is devilish but getting to go cool places is what makes it worth it.

We would love to come and visit you. Don't tempt us with a tour and babysitter. We just need to convince Dave's new job that he needs the whole summer off so we can go fun places :)!!

Janet said...

agreed! (that nothing compares to the sense of accomplishment when crossing the finish line)! You're awesome! it was so fun to see you this past week!